Canon R-F10m Full Auto RefractometerCondition: Excellent
To photosEasier, more comfortable operationThe R-F10 replaces the conventional joystick with a trackball and rollertandem that eases hand movement during manual alignment. And, oncethe examinee's pupil is visible in the monitor, you just press the Start buttonto initiate—and complete—refraction measurement.
More efficient exam proceduresFrom the first part of the process to the last, the R-F10 simply does thingsbetter. Its measurement head covers an exceptionally wide area, thusspeeding up the auto-alignment process, and even the built-in printerdelivers your printout faster than ever.
Increased measurement reliabilityBy simplifying operation, Canon's fully automated measurement technologytakes on a greater share of the workload and increases the reliability ofmeasurement data. What's more, the unit's monitor employs a deep focalpoint, which makes it easier for you to tell whether an examinee'seyelashes are obstructing measurement.
Specifications: MEASURABLE RANGESphere (SPH): -30 to +22 D when VD=12mm (Increments: 0.12D and 0.25D)Cylinder (CYL): 0 to ±10 D (Increments: 0.12D and 0.25D)Axis (AX): 1° to 180°Pupil distance (PD): Max. 85 mm (Increments: 1mm)Vertex distance (VD): 0/12/13.5 mmCylinder form: –, +, +/–
MEMORYMeasurement values: 10 for each eyeStandard value: 1 for each eyePupil distance: 1Printing: Thermal line printer; Prints measurements, date, time, serial number, and eye diagram.Power-saving system: Monitor, lamp, and motor go into Sleep mode when operation is
discontinued for approx. 5 minutes.Power supply: 100 – 240V, 50/60Hz, 0.8 – 0.4ADimensions (W x L x H): Approx. 280 x 520 x 470 mmWeight: Approx. 21kg